
Knowledge Train’s PRINCE2 exam results

Understand why Knowledge Train's PRINCE2 exam pass rates exceed the national average and how their approach can benefit you. Scroll down for insights.
Knowledge Train's PRINCE2 exam results


PRINCE2 Exam Results at Knowledge Train®

Avoid inexperienced trainers

If you’re considering PRINCE2 training, be careful. There are some ATOs which use very inexperienced trainers. You can tell who they are because they are the ones offering the cheapest courses. Their trainers have the bare minimum of real-world experience – either of project management or PRINCE2. They also are often starting out in their training careers and hence the salaries they command will be less than the more experienced trainers. Do you really want to be taught by someone who has only just started delivering PRINCE2?

You can’t beat experience

Here at Knowledge Train our PRINCE2 trainers are some of the most experienced – some have more than 10 years’ experience of delivering PRINCE2 courses. They know the PRINCE2 methodology like the back of their hand and have used PRINCE2 in the workplace. This is one reason why our PRINCE2 exam pass rates have been consistently so high. Since 2012, our average exam pass rate each year has been:

  • PRINCE2 Foundation 99% (UK national average of 97%)
  • PRINCE2 Practitioner 83% (UK national average of 73%)

Our PRINCE2 trainers

Susan Tuttle worked in finance on major technology projects before settling in the UK and becoming a trainer. She is often praised by delegates for her expertise and friendly personality.

Nick Duffew, our weekend trainer used to be a teacher and has a strong project management background in the education sector. Nick also used to work in Asia so he has learned to deliver classes with a mixture of patience and sensitivity.

James Harley has delivered training in PRINCE2 and MSP for over 18 years. He started his career at Boots, where he managed projects, programmes and change initiatives before moving into consultancy and training. James often gets praised for his exceptionally professional and approachable style of training.

Jumoke Ogunbekun has delivered training in PRINCE2 Agile, MSP, Change Management and DevOps for Knowledge Train since 2011. Before becoming a trainer, Jumoke spent over 10 years managing large IT and telecoms projects around the world. Jumoke receives praise for her positive and approachable training style.

Simon Buehring been delivering PRINCE2 and project management training since 2006. Prior to becoming a trainer Simon worked in the software industry since 1988 in a variety of roles including developer, team manager, project manager, consultant and technical director. Simon is also responsible for course materials here at Knowledge Train.

We use other trainers when we need to, but we never employ inexperienced ones.

Continuous improvement

You might be thinking what other reasons are there for our great PRINCE2 exam pass rates? Well, we also think that our courses are pretty good too and we’ve spent every year since 2006 improving them based upon student feedback. If you come to one of our courses, not only will we give you our excellent training materials – hand illustrated by our in-house graphic designer – but you’ll also learn in small classes and an encouraging classroom environment.

Before the course

Before coming to one of our classes we also don’t like you to spend too much of your precious time preparing. Some companies will ask you to spend 16+ hours of dull reading beforehand (seriously)! We don’t want you to spend your whole weekend beforehand on reading about PRINCE2 so we provide you with our pre-course study materials which should only take about 5-6 hours of your time.

Ask questions

You might not believe what I am going to tell you but it’s true – some ATOs put more than 30 people in a classroom! Imagine trying to ask a question – it would be very difficult. Our class sizes are kept small at just 16 people so that we can ensure that our trainers have time to answer your questions – no matter how tough!


PRINCE2 course with Knowledge Train is not ‘death by PowerPoint’ with an unengaging, inexperienced trainer reading slides at you all day, and we have a philosophy of keeping classes concise, interesting and easy to understand.

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